Twin Eagles 36” Pellet Grill With Drawer And 2 Doors - TEPG36G + TEPGB36 - BBQ Grills, BBQ Smokers, & Outdoor Kitchens | BBQ Grill Outlet
Twin Eagles 36” Pellet Grill With Drawer And 2 Doors – TEPG36G + TEPGB36

Twin Eagles 36” Pellet Grill With Drawer And 2 Doors – TEPG36G + TEPGB36

Compatible with the 36″ pellet grill. This integrated grill base offers portability and a freestanding option compatible with our 36″ pellet grill. Standard features include soft-closing doors and center pellet storage drawer, fold-down side shelves with tool holders, and heavy-duty casters with front brakes for easy maneuverability and locking.

Product Specifications


Twin Eagles

Class Type


Fuel Type

Electric, Pellet

Grill Lights

Internal / External Lights

Grill Size

34 – 42 Inches (Large)

Ignition Type



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